Sunday, April 23, 2006

A time of change

One hardly knows from one week to the next where the road of life will take one.
I had been contemplating some changes regarding my job (working fewer hours) when my boss approached me last week and asked if I would be interested in going full-time.
One of our best ad designers is taking over the Lifestyles editor position and he wondered if I would be interested in continuing with part-time photographer and the rest of the time helping out in production. YIKES!
First of all, I was planning to cut hours, not add them. Besides, I have NO training in that area. Also, I have 2 nieces getting married this summer and fall and I am involved in dresses and such to help them and my sister. I really don't have time to work full time. Long story short, I told him the timing isn't very good, because of the weddings. He thinks maybe he will try to get a summer intern to fill in. I hope I didn't obligate myself, because now something else has come up which may necessitate that I quit altogether!
As I said, one never knows what is around the bend in the road.
I had planned to go to church Easter Sunday, but my timing was off and the dinner rolls were still rising when I needed to leave. I stayed home and took care of the bread. There were 25 of us for dinner. Everyone brought something. Wonderful gathering. And, it rained, and rained, so no egg hunt outside. We hid them in the house. This was the new great-nephew's first family dinner at 12 days old and he was pretty quiet. The 2 two year olds made up for him! Daughter Anne from Ohio phoned and talked to everyone, as did nephew Aaron. We missed their presence, but it was nice to talk to them.
Daughter Christine and hubby, Pat, left to go mushrooming. After everyone else left about 5:30 Abby called her mom who said if we wanted to go mushrooming to get to their house, pronto. Well, I don't turn down an offer to go mushrooming!
We found a dozen or so tiny grey ones. Too early I think. Maybe this weekend they found some.
Next weekend might be better, depending on how warm it gets.
Son-in-law Pat is a borderline morel fanatic. A couple years ago I gave him a calendar with my photos of mushrooms and you would have thought I gave him a million dollars. Now, he expects a calendar. Of course, if he expects a calendar he has to take me with them so I can get those photos! I really didn't give him the first calendar as a way to get to go mushrooming, scouts honor, although it did work to my advantage, didn't it!
Yesterday I had to take a camera and lens to the repair shop. It fell out of my truck onto the concrete parking lot at the grocery store. OUCH! Thankfully, I have another camera to use, and I have insurance, with a deductible, of course. I think it is fixable. Must be one of the hazards of being a news photographer with the camera always within arms reach and ready to shoot, not safely tucked away in a camera bag.
Have a great week! I plan to.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I forgot to add these photos to my post last night. The flower is on a Barrel Cactus. There are several varieties of Barrels with different colored flowers, some are pink, some yellow, and this brilliant orange. The furry fellow was in a small tree beside the path as we were leaving Tohono Chul Park in Tuscon. I THINK he is a rock squirrel. He seemed to be totally unafraid of us and posed for several photos.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Safe Return

So much has happened lately, so I will try to catch up. I think from now on I will post at least weekly.
My sister-in-law and I went to Arizona to visit relatives and returned home last week. A week is too short a trip, but duty calls at home.
While in Tuscon we were privileged to go to Tohono Chul, a desert park on the north side of Tuscon with my nephew and family. We had a great day with everyone waiting while I shot away with my new camera.
Yep, I bit the bullet and purchased a Nikon D2X, a great digital SLR. I spent most of my time learning how to use it and still have much to learn. It is a pretty complicated piece of equipment.
I really enjoyed seeing and photographing the wildlife in Arizona which in many cases is quite different than what I see here in Iowa. It was a bit disappointing that the desert was not blooming due to the lack of rain over the winter. Maybe next year will prove to be better should I be fortunate enough to get to go again.
After our visit in Tuscon, we went to my other SIL's in Sun City for the duration of our stay. We spent part of one day at an Art Fair and part of another day at Hassayampa Nature Preserve where I got to see water fowl not seen at home-Green Winged Teal, Cinnamon Teal, Coot, and Ring-necked Ducks. All in all it wasn't the best trip from a photography standpoint, but it was wonderful in all other aspects.
Upon my return home while driving the two hours from the airport, my sister phoned me on my cell phone to tell me her daughter had delivered their baby the night before. Another boy has been added to the family. Upon hearing the news my eight year old grandaughter, Abby, said, "We need more girls in this family!" All are fine and the little guy is not so little really...he weighed in at 8#, 13 oz.
The photos are from the Arizona trip.